Testimonials from ChangeWorks® Team Members
Worldwide acclaim for the ChangeWorks System

Regina Erhart Fasold
International Executive Performance Coach
It was not only the most exciting and informative seminar I’ve ever attended, I believe it will prove to be a watershed event in our business development. The insights gleaned with respect to sales, marketing, human relationships, organizational development, career change and numerous other topics are too numerous to recount. I’m sure they will prove to be worth many times the investment we made in your program. I wish we had met you sooner!
Thanks again for an incredible experience.”
Eugenia Kaneshige
Managing Partner
The ChangeWorks training came at the perfect time. Before I went to the training, I was stuck in my personal life, not sure how to move forward. After the training I had strategies and “tools” that will move me to where I want to go. I can see great benefit of the ChangeWorks program for clients as vehicle for assessment and guidance for change. I was amazed at the amount of information I was able to take in and integrate in such a short time. T’s passion and expertise make him an excellent presenter, his work is uplifting and transformational. I look forward to adding it to my consulting and coaching practice.”
Nancy Dadami, MFS
Feng Shui Coach and Consultant
I see ChangeWorks! as huge! It’s a genius addition to any practitioner’s offerings. I also see how one can exclusively use the ChangeGrid and coach from it. Tangibility is what we coaches battle. When we can show tangibly something that illustrates something, it lands… and lands deeply with the client. What they do with it and how we coach forward with it is the next step. It has sure helped me! I am a huge advocate!”
CeCe Converse, CPCC
The Activation Coach™
I’m honored to be in the ChangeWorks® class. Those three days were among the most challenging and rewarding days of my life. The experience, all of it, was worth a great deal more than money could buy.”
Donna Love
While it is important to learn the basics of each area of DISC a person is really more the combination of where they are in each category, or how they are adapting in each category. Which is why I love the ChangeGrid. We are always adapting and even though I know I am a high D in most things, there are some areas that I can be as low as the next person if I don’t want to deal with the personal conflict. The ChangeGrid captures the current state or stress point for each activity, which allows for pointed discussions around what is happening and how to move ahead.”
Pamela Brooks, MA
Cornerstone Consulting
I almost didn’t send this but I have to say that your classes (over the phone) are riveting enough that even though I had the worst case of jet lag (having arrived the night before from Italy), I sat there totally engaged the entire time. That says something. I have absolutely loved every precious minute of these classes. I will be bummed when they are over. Thanks for your contribution.”
Dorothy Tannahill Moran
Change, Transition And Retirement Life Coach
The ChangeGrid is the perfect blend of left brain and humanity”
Augusta Horsey Nash, MCC
Master Certified Coach
I am on cloud nine and my head is spinning. I have never felt more focused or empowered. The ChangeGrid truly was the “missing link” for my business!”
Diana W. Faison
Leadership Development Consultant
After a hundred and more hours of coach training, assessment trainings, continued education in executive, leadership and corporate coaching and sales and marketing classes I was still feeling INCOMPLETE. Something vital was missing, a simple tool that gives us (client and coach) profound insight into the client’s current state of being, thinking, feeling and DOING CHANGE.
ChangeWorks® has closed this gap and given me exactly what I was looking for in order to promote my coaching/consulting services to the corporate international world with confidence and pride. The best coach/consultant is only as good as the change (s)he accomplishes. ChangeWorks is giving me all the tools I need to diagnose any situation and to facilitate the change process.
Looking back at the years of training I have had I wished I had been introduced to ChangeWorks earlier… I could have saved myself years of time, energy and money, searching for the missing link… however, everything happens for a reason so I am simply grateful that I finally found the foundation on top of which I am going to build my corporate coaching/consulting business.”
Regina Erhart Fasold
International Executive Performance Coach
Two of my fortune 500 clients have found the ChangeGrid™ to be of such value that they think it is the finest assessment they ever experienced. The insight that it provides for development and action outweighs everything else.”
Ajai Singh
Master Leadership Coach
The ChangeGrid™ has now become a most significant part of my coaching practice helping to show the clients their current capability, thus assisting in their developmental journey”
Ajai Singh
Master Leadership Coach
The ChangeGrid™ has been the perfect complement to the other assessment tools I use. It provides the important bridge from insight into action.”
Ellen Moran, PhD
Leadership Dialogues, LLC
As a leadership coach and management consultant, I chose to work with the ChangeGrid™ tool developed by T Falcon Napier because it is easily adapted to work with both individuals and teams. Whether working in Human Resources, IT or Accounting, the ChangeGrid provides me with context from which I can launch into deeper, more meaningful conversations more quickly with clients. The tool is designed to be tailored to any situation so it is elegant in its simplicity, yet powerful in its delivery. If you are looking for a way to open conversations and provide insights to clients quickly and effectively, I suggest you explore the ChangeGrid.”
Veronica Wolfe, CPCC
Coach, Consultant, Facilitator
2009 President, East Bay Coaches
I have been searching for a comprehensive tool to integrate into my coaching practice that makes real sense. The ChangeWorks® System has dimension that provides an opportunity to build depth and continuity over time. I am finding that I can focus conversation and far more effectively manage productive tension for the benefit of my clients. It’s the heartbeat of the system, and why I am so fascinated.”
Doug Price
I had 3 other options for the same time frame as the Atlanta training. Choosing the ChangeWorks® training was for me, by far, the best use of my time, energy and money. The ChangeGrid™ is a KEY TOOL I was missing in my offerings. I’ve never seen anything like it and I believe the potential for application in my business is unlimited. I’m deeply appreciative. Thank you!”
Liisa Hardaloupas, MOD
Consultant and Coach
They were completely on target as we discussed problem areas and what I needed for correction and moving forward. This invaluable tool has given me insights that challenge and inspire my desire to move ahead. More people will hear my message, and that mean more changed lives. I can’t thank you enough for your service. MasterStream has actually helped me in my coaching practice. Not only is the management of tension the single most important tool that I now have in my arsenal, but use of the Change Grid has been invaluable!”
Mel Schlesinger
Trainer and Coach
During my 35 year speaking career I have seen every conceivable approach to modifying human behavior to create increased effectiveness regardless of its focus; sales, management, leadership and relationships. MasterStream and ChangeWorks are truly revolutionary and stand head and shoulders above everything I have ever used. I’m proud to be certified in these disciplines.”
Tim Connor, CSP
Author, Speaker, Trainer
As a speaker, trainer and coach for over 38 years I have found MasterStream and ChangeWorks to be the most practical and profound method for influencing change. Hands Down. It provides clarity of purpose and specific direction – like having a compass in turbulent waters.”
Edie Raether, MS, CSP
Author, Speaker, Trainer
ChangeWorks® is a profoundly simple assessment tool – which provides a powerful perspective on the nature of change, and in identifying practical pathways for making meaningful, sustainable change a reality. ChangeWorks complements every other tool in my coaching toolbox, providing a clear map and relevant language that falls seamlessly in line with my own approach to coaching and consulting. As a former psychotherapist, I see this as a powerful tool for practicing psychotherapists, especially within the context of managed care. It is simple, direct, empowers the client, and readily documents progress made towards targeted goals. Loaded with face-validity, one only needs to use it for themselves in order to appreciate its significance. ChangeWorks – works – in any context and circumstance, where change is desired.”
Bob DeMers
All the other methods require you to change the way you think in order to use them. ChangeWorks fits into my thinking and allows me to be me.”
Mattison Grey M.Ed. IAC-CC
Professional Business and Executive Coach
In today’s market there are so many tools to help Coaches grow their practices, add value to the client experience, give a competitive advantage to a corporate client and inspire change. I evaluate numerous coaching and consulting tools from concept to rollout and have not seen one that is as relevant and client driven as ChangeWorks. I believe ChangeWorks can accomplish what all the others combine promise and more. I wholeheartedly endorse this product.”
Kimberly Jackson, PhD
Coach, Consultant
Have you ever wondered why your clients (or you) put things on a to do list and never do them? ChangeWorks opened my eyes to a big clue and once your clients have a conversation with themselves through the ChangeGrid they begin to make better choices about the specific steps they really need to take toward reaching their goals.”
Betsy Pickren M.ED, CPCC
Coach, Trainer, Facilitator
Past President, Georgia Coach Association
I loved ChangeWorks! but I wasn’t ‘in love’ with it till I attended the live class. A lot of what’s out there for coach training is a bit light on substantive, practical tools and processes to drive meaningful change. I feel like I have a big secret weapon for my coaching practice. Gosh, if all coaches knew this they would be wildly successful. I feel like I was given a treasure. T’s leadership and understanding of business, psychology and human change is brilliant. This has given me a megasurge of energy to help my clients get results at whole new levels.
If you want to help clients change – this will rock your practice!”
Jodie Charlop, NCC
Executive Coach and Consultant
I had been looking for something new to bring to my corporate clients, and ChangeWorks exceeded my wildest expectations. While still taking the class, I sold a ChangeGrid package to an existing client and doubled my revenue with them for that month, recovering my initial investment in the class five times over.”
Patricia Keenan
Executive Coach
My clients told me that they are seeing results with difficult employees within 24hours and they are calling me a miracle worker. As a result, my clients are spending more for my time which increased my income 3times in just a few short weeks! Your clients will trust you because with the ChangeGrid you have empirical evidence. I can see immediately what to do and identify the action steps someone needs to take. Now I’m becoming an evangelist. If everybody knew the ChangeGrid what a better world this would be in life and business.”
Leah Henderson
Leah Henderson & Associates, LLC
Clearly the most powerful take-away from my personal ChangeWorks survey was hearing the words aloud (almost verbatim) that have often resonated from within me, yet, have never been appreciated as much as now: “People that need me most to help them reach their next level of greatness don’t even know that I exist. Everything that I’ve done up to now has only been preparation”. After further reviewing the results of the ChangeGrid survey, I am even more convinced its sagacity. More than just an “on the surface” observation, I can easily see how having a greater depth of knowledge for the ChangeGrid will not only further enhance my coaching practice, but will be of added value for my Corporate Communication and Mentoring clients, as well as my advanced Martial Arts students.
With a target market of Corporate Executives, Entrepreneurs and Artisans (the common thread being individuals who have experienced at least a modicum of self-actualization through the experience of having manifested what was once a dream), I would strongly recommend the ChangeGrid process for fortification of belief. Particularly, for those of us who are comfortable working alone, it’s like merging with a friend within. Thank you for your time spent with me on the survey results.”
Greg Williams
Coach and Consultant
The ChangeGrid provided me personally with confirmation that the conscious choices and decisions I’ve made with respect to how I can build a business model best suited for my unique knowledge, skills, talents and abilities are appropriate for me at the current stage of my business development.”
Steven S. Shagrin, JD, CFP®, CRPC®, CRC®
Certified Money Coach