Hi, Everyone!

We are so glad you’ll be joining us for “Tension Management in Advancing the Sale and Closing the Deal” — a series of three 90-minute webinars customized specifically for the North American Sales Leadership team.

The program will be presented by me,  T. Falcon Napier. I have presented over 100 programs for IBM is the past few years, applying the principles of Tension Management® in sales, leadership and change management.  You can learn more about me by reading my BIOGRAPHY.

The series begins THIS FRIDAY — May 2, 2014 — from 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM ET. The program continues at the same time for two additional Fridays, May 9 and 16.

The program will be delivered via Smart Cloud. Here’s the link:


The “call in” number is 888-426-6840 and the passcode is 21909236.

In preparation for the program, please DO TWO THINGS:

1) We have created a special needs assessment exploring 14 mission-critical skills you perform on a routine basis.  IT IS IMPERATIVE that you complete this profile ASAP. You will find it at this link:


No password is required to complete the profile.

2) Please DOWNLOAD and PRINT the program workbook.  You will find the file at this link:


PLEASE NOTE:  This file contains EIGHT SPREADS that when printed, arranged in sequence and folded in half create an 8.5 x 5.5 inch workbook.  (It was originally designed to be printed on a printer capable of two-sided printing, so if you have one of those, it will be much less of a puzzle.)

I look forward to have you all on the calls.

T. Falcon Napier